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Rosalina Neri


Born - 12 November 1927, Arcisate, Italy
Died - 5 June 2024

Pneumatic blonde bombshell and would-be opera singer, nicknamed The Italian Marilyn Monroe. She came to Britain and entered into a long relationship with bandleader/impresario Jack Hylton, but never married. Her attempted opera singing has been compared to the famous Florence Foster Jenkins. She did manage to make a few films, which included I Pinguini ci Guardano (1955), Due Sosa in Allegria (1956), Mon Coquin de Pere (1958), Bocca Cucite (1970), Faccione (1991), Three Men and a Leg (1997), All the Moron's Men (1999), Another Woman's Face (2012) and The Predators (2020), her last. Not to be confused with a dark-haired Italian sex symbol, Rosalba Neri (born 1938) who is still with us.