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Stars: Demi Moore, Michael Caine, Nathaniel Parker, Lambert Wilson, Joss Ackland, Derren Nesbitt

Director: Michael Radford

There's quite an intriguing set-up to this diamond robbery thriller, but the film's problem is that it gets less interesting as it goes on, and credibility flies out of the window.

It's 1960 and Laura Quinn (Moore) is a manager at London's biggest diamond company. The frim has never had a woman executive and, judging by the boss (Ackland), it isn't about to start with Laura. Any bright ideas she has tend to rebound on her, making her, at 38 and facing dismissal, the perfect partner for janitor Caine and his plan for stealing a thermos flask full of diamonds. Or, at least that's what he tells her.

The robbery itself, though, which ought to be the film's centrepiece, isn't convincingly staged, with the vault guard's attention conveniently astray as Caine breaks into the vault (to which Moore has stolen the combination) without knowing that she has failed to make a phone call to lure the guard away.

Suspense therafter is noticeably lacking, despite perfectly competent performances from the stars. Fans of the Inspector Lynley mysteries on TV will recognise suave Parker as Ackland's son. And Nesbitt (very long time, no see), as purple-lipped and belligerent as ever, makes a forceful appearance as the cigar-chewing powerhouse who underwrites the entire firm.

David Quinlan

UK/Luxembourg 2006. UK Distributor: Metrodome. Colour by deluxe.
106 minutes. Widescreen. UK certificate: 12A.

Guidance ratings (out of 3): Sex/nudity 0, Violence/Horror 0, Drugs 0, Swearing 1.

Review date: 23 Nov 2008