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Nun II, The


Stars: Taissa Farmiga, Jonas Bloquet, Storm Reid, Katelyn Rose Downey, Anna Popplewell, Suzanne Bertish, Peter Hudson

Director: Michael Chavez

Round two for the demon nun in a film which, largely shot in semi-darkness, seems to be almost entirely composed of attempted scares. Director Chavez certainly gets right down to it, steamrolling his way through the plot, as the demon, seemingly vanquished at the end of the previous film (to which this is superior) turns up at a French girls' boarding school, few of whose pupils we see.

Sister Irene (Farmiga), having had experience of dealing with demons, is dispatched from Romania to investigate. 'Find out what it wants,' she's instructed, 'and where it's going next.'

No, the dialogue's only good for a giggle or two, and the film is almost entirely reliant on its visuals for its impact, what with priests being burned alive or coming back as ghouls, and terrified girls running hither and thither in the dark, while a monster lurks deep in the cloisters.

The McGuffin here is St Lucy's Eyes, which the demon wants, but which Irene, with the help of rebellious Sister Debra (Reid), finds, leading to the inevitable final confrontation. Sharp eyes will pick out Popplewell, once to the fore in fantasy as Susan Pevensie in the first three Narnia films, playing a teacher, and there's a nice little performance by the 13-year-old Downey as her threatened daughter.

David Quinlan

USA/France 2023. UK Distributor: Warner Brothers (New Line). Colour by FotoKem.
110 minutes. Widescreen. UK certificate: 15.

Guidance ratings (out of 3): Sex/nudity 0, Violence/Horror 2, Drugs 0, Swearing 0.

Review date: 07 Sep 2023